The Business Enabler of the Year Award

Do you provide a fantastic service, product or infrastructure for your customers or clients?

Has your company given your customers or clients a competitive advantage that has delivered more customers or clients for them?

This award celebrates businesses that help their customers or clients to increase sales and profitability through a competitive advantage, recognising the impact of ‘enablers’ that offer value beyond products, infrastructure and services. These businesses improve their customers’ or clients’ efficiency, develop their talent and diversity and implement catalysing innovation.

Judges will look for evidence of how the organisation’s product,service or infrastructure has enabled clients and customers to:

  • Increase their customers’/clients’ operational efficiency
  • Empower their customers’/clients’ employees to be more effective with a measurable impact on employee satisfaction
  • Generate increased revenue and profit for theircustomers/clients
  • Fix problems their customers’/clients’ didn’t know theyneeded to fix
  • Increase their customers’/clients’ customer/client base orloyalty by delivering improved customer/client relationships
  • Reinvent and reinvigorate their customers’/clients’ brands, products or services
  • Improve the effectiveness of their customers’/clients’ leadershipor management
  • Embed ethical or sustainable practices within their customers’/clients’ businesses

Previous Winners

Palletforce - 2019
Rotaready - 2018