The Data Excellence Award

Is data at the heart of your organisation?

Do you make sure your use of data is safe, secure and creates the best possible experience for every person impacted by your brand?

If you understand that smarter data management is not only necessary for one year, but that it can go far beyond regulatory compliance into competitive advantages, increased customer satisfaction, more engaged staff and a truly transformative experience for your business, this award is for you.

Open to all organisations in the public, private and third sectors, this award will go to the organisation that can best demonstrate how it defines and personifies data excellence through examples such as:

  • Demonstrations of the skills, attitudes and technology used to create and maintain your data excellence
  • Innovation and transformation in data practices, usage and outcomes
  • Explaining not only why but also how you take your data management seriously
  • Examples of how your management of data has created a positive impact to society
  • Investment into Data Literacy & education around data
  • Effective leadership – for example the creation of a data office and hiring of a Chief Data Officer
  • Impressive governance that supports business goals in a sustainable way that protects the interests of people in society

Previous Winners

Aggreko - 2019
Cleveland Police - 2018