The New Entrepreneur of the Year Award

What service or product have you launched that has made you the successful entrepreneur you have become over the last 24 months? Tell us your story… The New Entrepreneur of the Year award celebrates the potential that exists within leaders of the UK’s most promising start-ups and new SMEs.

Focusing on the market opportunity identified, the model to capitalise on it, and how it has been executed within the first 24 months of trading, judges will look at how initial targets and KPIs have been exceeded, the vision for growth, innovation and the founder’s understanding of key challenges, customers and the competitive landscape. Open to any first business founder that has been trading for 24 months from entry deadline date, this Award recognises those demonstrating the entrepreneurial aptitude, commercial acumen, vision, ambition and drive to build a successful enterprise. 

Judges will be looking for:

  • Your personal story, career and any notable additional information. What would people say makes you an exceptional entrepreneur?
  • Evidence of the market opportunity you identified, your model to capitalise on it, and how it differentiates you from your competitors.
  • Details about the key innovations you have introduced, or developed, that have created uniqueness and competitive advantage for your business - and the impact on the wider industry if applicable.
  • Evidence of your growth and how you have achieved your key milestones over the last 24 months. Include case studies and top line data.
  • Details about your leadership philosophy and how it has driven improvement in performance over the last 24 months.
  • A description of the processes or programmes that you have put in place to engage your employees in successfully delivering your strategy or vision, or that has empowered them to create growth or improve efficiency.
  • Briefly explain the processes you have put in place to embed a culture of innovation.
  • The plan you have in place to sustain your growth and ongoing financial success.
  • Top line revenue and net profit figure for the current year, previous year and prediction for the next year of trading.

Previous Winners

Jordan McCabe, Aztec Diamond Equestrian UK - 2019 
Ross Harper, Limbic - 2018