Limbs & Things founder Margot Cooper goes from strength to strength following win at The Lloyds Bank National Business Awards 2018

17 October 2019

Since being named at The Inflexion Entrepreneur of the Year at the 2018 Lloyds Bank National Business Awards, Margot Cooper, Founder of Limbs & Things, has seen continued success for herself and her company. The Lloyds Bank National Business Team caught up with her to find out how business has been over the last 12 months.


Q. What was the initial motivation behind entering The Lloyds Bank National Business Awards?

A. I was actually invited by the award sponsor, Inflexion, to enter for The Inflexion Entrepreneur of the Year Award. I was very pleased to be invited! The company has a lot to shout about and works so hard that it's been wonderful to be able to give them the satisfaction of showing that they're the best in the UK – and the world – at what they do.


Q. As we approach the 2019 awards night in November, can you tell us a bit about the ceremony last year?

A. The atmosphere at the Awards ceremony was amazing, really incredible. It all came together on the night – I'd never seen anything like it before! We had 10 people from the company come along and it was a highlight for them as well.

And to win felt fabulous. The last 30 years have been worth it!


Q. Since the win, how has business been for Limbs & Things?

A. The publicity that came from winning at the National Business Awards has been amazing and since then business has been huge. I've since been named in the LDC Top 50 Most Ambitious Business Leaders in the UK, and we've been included in The Sunday Times' SME Export Track Top 100 as well. It's been snowballing at a great pace since our National Business Awards win.

We've also seen a good increase in press coverage and a huge interest from VC and finance companies, although we haven't needed to take that up.

The win raised staff morale and it's done a lot of refresh the perception that we're a very special company.


Q. What would you say to anyone thinking about entering the National Business Awards in the future?

A. I highly recommend entering the Awards. It's quite a lot of work, but you don't ever achieve anything without quite a lot of work!

The process of entering focuses the mind, as it's important to think very hard and precisely about how you answer the questions. My advice is to be sparing with your words and be focused and honest with your answers. Paint the character of your company: show the judges where you've come from and what you've achieved, and it will all come together.


The Lloyds Bank National Business Awards ceremony takes place 12th November at Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London. Join this year's finalists, sponsors, judges and Britain's business leaders for an unparalleled networking experience at a glamorous black-tie gala, where you'll hear from astronaut Major Tim Peake in an unforgettable keynote speech.