National Business Awards Announces Two New Categories Recognising UK Businesses Leading the Way in Artificial Intelligence and Data

24 May 2018

The National Business Awards is proud to announce ‘The Fujitsu Artificial Intelligence Award' and the ‘Experian Data Excellence Award' as two new and exciting categories for 2018.


The National Business Awards is proud to announce ‘The Fujitsu Artificial Intelligence Award' and the ‘Experian Data Excellence Award' as two new and exciting categories for 2018.


Following the government's announcement of the central, essential role that AI, data and new-age technologies will play in the UK's new Industrial Strategy, these new awards will celebrate and reflect the rapidly growing importance and application of AI, data and digital in UK businesses which has and is enabling British companies to excel and compete on an international scale. 


The Fujitsu Artificial Intelligence Award

Recognising businesses that empower and enable people to thrive in a digital world, this award will celebrate those companies paving the way with AI innovation, ensuring the UK remains at the forefront of the technology's evolution.

Judges will look for evidence of how implementation of AI has improved business infrastructure and productivity overall, alongside the creativity of the solution. Entrants must be able to demonstrate usability and viability and providing real-life proof points.


Open to all business sectors, organisations will be asked to demonstrate:

  • Use of AI to solve a business challenge or open up a new market
  • Innovation in the solution
  • Usability
  • Cost-effectiveness: Demonstrable ROI on the businesses bottom line
  • Strong business growth opportunity: How did this AI solution allow you to grow your business? What new opportunities did it present?
  • Dual-benefit to demonstrate a positive impact on the organisation as well as its customers/partners
  • Ethical use: E.g. development of AI solutions to combat unconscious bias


Rupal Karia, Head of Private and Public Sector at Fujitsu, UK&I, said: “British companies are at the head of the pack driving innovation in this space, with AI having the potential to be truly transformative, empowering businesses and enabling people to thrive in a digital world. It's for these reasons that we are sponsoring a new category in the National Business Awards that will recognise the British businesses at the cutting-edge of AI.”


The Experian Data Excellence Award 2018

Open to all organisations in the public, private and third sectors, this award is aimed at those leading the way in data innovation, using it not only to deliver better outcomes for their customers, but also using data-driven solutions to take on some of the biggest challenges in society and create positive change.


Judges are looking for organisations that can best demonstrate how they define and personify data excellence through examples such as:

  • Examples of how your management of data has created a positive impact to society
  • Excellent online presence, customer testimonials and reviews
  • Explaining not only why but also how you take your data management seriously
  • Examples of innovation
  • Demonstrations of the skills, attitudes or technology (or all three) used to create and maintain your data excellence
  • Effective leadership
  • Impressive governance that supports business goals in a sustainable way that protects the interests of people in society


Tom Blacksell, Managing Director B2B at Experian, said: “Data is universal; enabling our choices, fuelling our economy, informing decisions and shaping our ideas. It's influence, driven and shaped by the digitalisation of our culture, is only set to expand as we enter then next decade. At Experian, we absolutely believe that data can play an important role in society, changing the world for the better.  That's why we're proud to sponsor the ‘Data Excellence Award 2018"